Saturday, 29 December 2012

Fraser Island

Michael spent the first three days of his precious Christmas leave installing a new windlass (anchor winch) - shiny! - to allow us to escape for a few days. Remember the problems we had with the old one in Tassie, and every anchorage since? Yes, that's how long Michael has been swearing at it and threatening to violently throw it overboard.  Meanwhile I got Bass Voyager packed up, provisioned and ready to sail.

The feeling of throwing off the docklines again was awesome. We spent our first night at Moon Point and once the wind filled in we had a fantastic, fast sail up Platypus Bay at the northern end of Fraser Island. It is a sweeping, 30 mile stretch of white sand and crystal clear water fringed by sandhills and wooded bushland. We dropped anchor (sans swearing) at Lagoon Anchorage, about two thirds of the way up the bay. I'll let the photos speak for themselves, but straight up - its freakin paradise.... the nicest anchorage we've found on Fraser Island so far.  We swam, explored the adjoining lagoon, Michael fished (caught a baby shark which we went all gaga over before releasing), we cooked, drank apple cider and watched the summer thunderstorms pass us by. So cool.

Counting down until we can do this full-time again...

Merry Christmas!


  1. Looks absolutely fabulous! Enjoy! We are having a night alone! First night since Dec 22 and the last until Jan 17 - been very busy! No yachts yet - they will come! Have a very Happy New Year and we wish you another fabulous year - Beverley and John @ Three Hummock Island XXxx

    1. Thanks Beverly! I can see from your Facebook page that you are having a very busy season! Here's to a fantastic 2013 on THI! xoxo

  2. Wow, what a fantastic journey. I've just spent the best part of a relaxing Saturday reading your blog and it has been enjoyable and also informative. Thanks for taking the time. Travel safe :-)

    1. Thanks Peter! It sure has been a great adventure, and one that will continue we hope! :)
