Monday, 3 December 2012

6 weeks in Hervey Bay

We've been in Hervey Bay for just over 6 weeks now and we've managed to squeeze in a fair bit over that time... mainly we've been getting to know the area and settling back into a more land-reliant existence.

Its quite an adjustment after a year underway, especially for Michael who is now back in the 9 to 5 (actually 8 to 5) grind. Ive been working too - Ive picked up two new contracts, one local and one national, and Ive also been doing a small business course.

After 7 days in HB we decided that "one week on, one week off" was more our style and so we went to Fraser Island with Michael's parents for a week! OK, so the trip had actually been planned well in advance... Fraser Island and spending time with Margaret and John was awesome, sittin by the pool, cooking delicious meals, 4WDing ... even getting stuck in the middle of the island for 6 hours when our car broke down!

Oh! And last weekend we flew over to the spectacular Lady Elliot Island to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary.

So yeah, the adventure hasn't really ended, has it?

The latest development is that we're moving into an apartment for a few months over the hottest part of the summer. Much as we love life aboard its hard for me to work effectively during the heat of the day and unfortunately the boat harbour here is also quite surgey at certain points of the tide, making things pretty uncomfortable for a few hours, twice a day. The apartment we've chosen is one block back from the marina and part of a resort, which means just one thing: POOL! And a perfect place for friends and family to come and stay - HINT HINT!

Well I could write many more words about everything we've seen and done in the last 6 weeks, but well... pictures/1000 know...

View along the Urangan foreshore

The historic - and very long - Urangan Pier

Friendly local

Michael and his Dad John sailed Bass Voyager over to Fraser Island. Anchored off the Kingfisher Resort.

Beautiful Lake MacKenzie on Fraser Island

Our 4WDing adventure was going great until the transmission dumped all its fluid in the space of  about 10 metres. In a mobile phone black spot.

A passing car felt sorry for us and gave us beer! What a champ.

We managed to get a couple of text messages out to Michael's boss who was able to get in touch with the island's only tow truck and taxi driver. We all kept our sense of humour and actually had quite a fun time hanging out in the bush ... until it started to get dark... We were just resigning ourselves to spending the night in the car when finally, after 6 hours of waiting (despite us giving our GPS coordinates!) the taxi driver found us and took us back to resort. The car got towed back (at great expense!) the next day and Michael was able to fix it without too much trouble.

Margaret on the deck of our lovely villa at the Kingfisher Resort.

So last Friday was our 10 year wedding anniversary. Nothing could top the incredible year we've spent together, but we decided to give it a try! Michael got to sit in the cockpit for our flight to Lady Elliot Island. The flight was THRILLING, not scary at all, and such an amazing way to start the trip!

View of Urangan Boat Harbour. Spot Bass Voyager?

View to Fraser Island and the Great Sandy Strait

Lady Elliot Island - a little spec in the ocean, 80kms off the coast. Paradise.

Coming in to land over the fringing reef

Lady Elliot is an eco resort and we were privileged enough to be there during bird nesting season. There were literally thousands of  noisy, randy and completely entertaining noddys and terns nesting all over the island. 


The snorkelling and diving was spectacular. The turtles were so friendly - bossy even! One of them followed us for about 10 minutes and practically demanded that we scratch his shell. We've never had such an interactive encounter with one of these usually shy creatures before...

November 23 2002

23 November 2012


  1. Wow - you are having an amazing time! Good on you both. 10 years anniversary - congratulations - you only have 21 years to catch up with us! So pleased you had a great celebration. Love following your updates. Shame we are so far away we would have visited in your "apartment" - very flash! Have a wonderful Christmas - we have 8 booked in - Homestead and Cottage! Enjoy every minute! Beverley X

    1. Thanks Beverly! I cant imagine a nicer place to spend Christmas than Three Hummock Island! Ah, Tassie in summer is amazing.... Please stay in touch :o)
