After a week and a bit at Wirrina catching up with family and doing a few jobs on the boat we sailed back to American River to wait for the best possible weather to strike out East. The trip over was a bit rolly, but memorable because of our mid-strait rendevous with Michael's Opa and Dad who were catching snapper for Christmas. That was Tuesday, and although the weather is improving towards the end of this week, the winds are forecast to be coming from exactly the direction that we want to go - South-East! Not much good for a sail boat. So, while we wait and cross our fingers and hope for the forecast to change and the winds to swing Northerly or Westerly (or at least Southerly!), we've decided to hire a car for a few days and see a bit more of the island. We'll keep you posted on our progress, or lack thereof!
Caitlin and Michael
A couple of days before leaving Wirrina Cove - thanks for the photo John!

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